Thursday, April 24, 2008
While I have many thinks that make me happy: like going to the movies, eating good food, taking naps, hanging w/ friends, sex, playing videogames, of my true passions is working on and driving cars. LOL, I also don’t think I could have sex with my girlfriend for 3 hours!!! So for this bliss assignment I decided to do a little bit of work on my 1971 Chevelle SS. I then took it out for a drive.
I probably spend around 80% of all my paychecks on my car. My parents and some of my friends think I’m crazy. My parents are always screaming at me for putting all that money into a car. What they don’t understand (and I have tried to explain many times before!!!) is that it’s not just a car to me. I don’t see my current project as just a car. It represents who I am. It represents what I stand for. Working on and driving my car keeps me grounded. Sometimes I get real stressed out! I’m talking real stressed, to the point where I just want to destroy something. But, then I go for a drive and it helps me cool down. When I hear that car start up and I give it a little gas I sometimes get chills down my back. For those moments when I’m driving I’m in control of something that’s so much more powerful than any person. When I turn onto a street and light up the tires I’m saying ‘fuck you’ to all my problems and worries.
I feel that a person’s car represents them more than they think. I know some people don’t give a shit about cars; they just want something to get them from point A to B...and that’s fine. But I truly believe your car can tell a lot about your personality, values, and ideas. I’m not saying you have to drive some nice ass BMW to get any respect. What I’m saying is that when you see a car drive by that sounds like crap, three of the four tires are flat, the bumper is hanging off, the sides of the car are covered with dents, and you can see trash piled up in the back seat…then you can probably make many bad assumptions about that person. Now you may be saying ‘what!... no! I would not make any bad assumptions about that person. They may just be having a hard time in their life.’ Which may certainly be true. However, think about this. If you pulled into a parking lot and on the left there were a row of cars like the one I just explained and then on the right there were beautifully clean, new cars without a hit of damage or abuse and their was a parking spot on both sides…which side would you put your car??? Perhaps you would still park on the left and that’s fine. But personally I and I think most other would park on the right. And that’s because I’m making the assumption that if the people in the left lane won’t even take care of or respect their own cars, why the hell would they look out for mine. Those people’s cars are speaking to others. What I’m trying to say is that I believe a car is a reflection of yourself. Most people drive their cars everyday. And they are seen in it every day by someone. To think that the way your car looks and the way you drive does not reflect you in some way is ridiculous.
But back to the assignment! For the first 2 hours I put on a new intake manifold and set of valve covers on the Chevelle. Over the winter I had hand polished and painted the aluminum manifold. I probably have over 30 hours of work into the manifold. Working on the Chevelle on a nice sunny spring day is hard to beat. It was 78 degrees outside. (Monday, April 7th) One of my favorite things about working on cars is the before and after feeling. You have to put in your share of blood, sweat, and tears but in the end the result is always worth it. You know you put it together with your own two hands and when you turn the key and everything works, (it sometimes does not work) it’s such a good feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. I had put the new intake and valve covers on within the first 2 hours. I then turned the key and it started right up. I then took it out for a drive. After driving around for about a half hour I stopped at a Rally’s for lunch. I like to eat at Rally’s because you can eat outside. I pulled the Chevelle into a front row spot and grabbed some food. I could see people looking at the Chevelle and talking about it. It’s a good feeling when you’re proud of what you drive. An older man had finished his lunch and strolled over to me and started asking me some questions. (this happens all the time!!! Especially at gas stations!) I enjoy talking about it so I never mind. I told him about the engine, rear end, and other things. He asked me who I had do all the work and I proudly told him that I do just about everything myself. He eventually took off and so did I. LOL, I left a few patches of rubber on the road as I went home to mark the occasion. Without a doubt that was a blissful three hours!
Well, the other day in class Beth divided us into groups and gave each group a random word from one of the class’s text books. My group was given the word ‘intent’. We were then given loads of newspaper and told to find, create, or do something with the newspaper regarding our word. My group decided that we should take our word ‘intent’ and turn it into ‘intentions’. We then decided to take a different approach and used the newspaper to create objects that represented good intentions and bad intentions. We felt like this was a different approach because we were not using the newspaper in its typical way. That being read or viewed. We simply used it as a tool to create objects that represented an idea. I decided to create a gun. A gun represents good intentions and bad intentions because it can be use for both. A guns bad intentions are obvious. Vandalism, robbery, and murder are just a few of the bad intentions people may have while holding a gun. However: sport, home defense, self defense, hunting or just a stress reliever are examples of good intentions that people may have while holding a gun. After creating the gun from newspaper and tape, I then searched the paper for key words and terms that made me think of a gun. The words and terms that I placed on the gun were: Hero, Serious Injuries, Respect, Soldier’s Grave, War, Fire, KIA, and Sleep Better Tonight. I also made a removable ammo clip for the gun, and on this I placed the word Clip from a hair cut add. My favorites were Sleep Better Tonight which was found off of a bed add. Sleep Better Tonight represents the idea and good intension of home defense. My other favorite was KIA. This was of course an ad for the KIA car company. However in the military K.I.A. stands for Killed In Action. This represents the bad intension of War and Killing with a gun. Overall I’m very happy with the way my project turned out. I believe it’s a good onion project because it took newspaper that is usually read to receive a message and it was turned into an object that visually sends a message. It does have words on it but the message is still clear without them. When I presented it in class I saw a lot of people looking at it with big eyes because they thought it was cool and they seemed to have a good view of guns. They perhaps feel that most people that own them may have good intentions. While there were some others that had a slight look of worry on their face. These people probably view guns as bad objects and think that most people that own them may have bad intentions. There is no way to validate any of what I just said but that is just the feeling I got from people when I was presenting it to the class.
Monday, April 14, 2008
As I was playing some video games I was thinking about what I should do for my connections project. I then decided to do it on the very video game I was playing. I was attempting to put together a short video piece but my computer is on the fritz, so I figured blogging about it would be better than nothing at all. Lets start from the beginning. You must first plug AKA connect your power cable to the outlet and then connect it into the back of your X-box. You must then connect the other cables to your TV. I then grabbed the remote to the TV and made a signal connection to turn it on. As I pressed the buttons of the X-box controller I was making little connections that were then sending signals to the brain of the box to display my actions on screen. I then connected to X-box Live which allows you to play with other players all over the world. I was playing with my friends for a while and then realized that the word connections can resemble more than just a physical connection. I was making emotional connections with the people I was playing with. My team and I would make emotional connections when we were talking about movies, games, girls and all kinds of other shit. And I was also making emotional connections with the other team’s players when I would kill them or when they killed me. And that brings up another form of connections. I was making tons of virtual connections when I was shooting, stabbing, and blowing up the other team’s players. For example, when a bullet hits someone in the face, there is definitely a connection there. I then though about connections in a wider view and determined that everything we do involves connections. Even the natural laws of Mother Nature involve connections of some sort or another.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Midterm Questions
What has been the single best aspect of this class thus far?
The single best aspect of the class would have to be how different it is from any other class I have ever taken. I truly never know what we will do each week and I enjoy the spontaneous aspect of the class.
What is the single most important thing you want to walk away with from this class?
I want to experience a different type of media or see a type of media but in a different way. I want to be exposed to something new, interesting and exciting! I want to understand things that in the past I would have quickly turned a shoulder to. And besides all that I’m honestly not sure what I want to walk away with.
The single best aspect of the class would have to be how different it is from any other class I have ever taken. I truly never know what we will do each week and I enjoy the spontaneous aspect of the class.
What is the single most important thing you want to walk away with from this class?
I want to experience a different type of media or see a type of media but in a different way. I want to be exposed to something new, interesting and exciting! I want to understand things that in the past I would have quickly turned a shoulder to. And besides all that I’m honestly not sure what I want to walk away with.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Well my girlfriend came home on Thursday and I told her about this assignment. She could not really come up with any good ideas ether. We went to Wal-Mart that night because I wanted to get Beowulf on HD DVD. While we were there we got all kinds of snacks, one of which were Jelly Bellies. We started the movie when we got home and popped open the snacks. We had the lights out and the movie up loud. As I was eating the Jelly Bellies I realized that I was having a real hard time telling what flavor it was by just the taste alone. After eating about 10 beans and really focusing on trying to determine what flavor they were I put the movie on pause and turned the lights on. I was talking with Ashley about it and we decided to test each other. We took turns putting random beans in each others mouths. We were not aloud to see or smell it before. While we would both get a couple right from time to time for the most part we were getting stumped. It was one of those times when you knew what it was and the answer was on the tip of your tong but you just could not come up with the answer. All you would need is to see the color of the bean to give you the last little bit to push the answer out. We would give each other the answers and we would both say “ahhhh!!! I knew that’s what it was!!!” I determined that identifying something with a single sense can be very hard. Especially if you’re talking about Jelly Bellies!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Day to Day Blog
Tuesday 2/12/08
Today I was moved in my N240 script writing class. Our teacher was talking to us about being successful and I raised my hand and asked her if she thought she was successful? She took what I had asked completely the wrong way. I was asking her because she had stated that she does not think that money determines ones success. She told us that she turned down a job that was paying $125,000 a year because they wanted her to tell a lie to the press. I simply wanted to know if she was happy with her decision and if she thought she was successful today. She thought I was trying to be a smart ass and took the question as disrespect. We then went on back and forth for about 30min until we determined that I met no disrespect to her and that if she is willing to put her personal stories out there than she has to be willing to take some criticism and questions.
Wednesday 2/13/08
Today my girlfriend came home from Purdue. Her birthday is on the 14th and she decided to skip her classes and come home early. It was a nice surprise because I was having a shitty day. We hung out until about 2am.
Thursday 2/14/08
Today is my girlfriend’s birthday and also the Tech Olympics at work. I work at the Indiana Department of Education. Every once and awhile we will have an event day for the DOE staff to kinda help us relax and have fun at work. Today is the Tech Olympics. We had 3 wii’s hooked up and you could sign up for different events that were happening through out the day. I signed up for bowling and boxing. I won the gold medal in bowing and I ended up letting a lady take my place in boxing because she had not played in any events all day. Its was a really fun time. I don’t remember a work day that has gone by so fast. It was a much needed break from the normal daily routine.
Friday 2/15/08
Today we celebrated Ashley’s (my girlfriend) birthday. We waited an extra day because she turned 21 this year. I’m surprised I can even write this because I feel like crap today. Anyways, last night we went out to the bars. Ashley had about 8 shots and a few drinks as well. Man was she wasted. Keep in mind she only weighs about 125 pounds. My friend Jonathan then insisted that we go to this Salsa club. Its was a lot of fun. It was such a different experience. Ashley and I were probably the only white people in there and Jonathan was probably the only black person. I was cool to see a club that is modeled after a completely different culture that what I’m use to. We had a great time dancing (or should I say holding each other up) until 3 in the morning.
Saturday 2/16/08
Today has been a recuperation day. So far I have just been sitting back and playing some Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 with Jonathan. I have been very relaxing. Days like this definitely move me because I don’t get them very often anymore. Everyone including me just seem to be so busy all the time. It’s nice to just sit back and say fuck work, school, bills, and anything else that can be stressful and just chill out for a day.
Sunday 2/17/08
Well Ashley headed back up to school today. I need to take care of some homework that I have been pushing off for some time. I think I might take my work out in the backyard today because its so nice outside today. I thinks its in the 60’s! Its crazy what a breath of cool fresh air will do to you after you have been cooped up in the house for a while.
Monday 2/18/08
Wow, yesterday it was so nice outside. I ended up tossing the football around w/ a friend and worked on my car a little as well. But today…its snowing. I cant believe it. Indiana gives us a taste of spring and then rips it away from us! … what a bitch!
Today I was moved in my N240 script writing class. Our teacher was talking to us about being successful and I raised my hand and asked her if she thought she was successful? She took what I had asked completely the wrong way. I was asking her because she had stated that she does not think that money determines ones success. She told us that she turned down a job that was paying $125,000 a year because they wanted her to tell a lie to the press. I simply wanted to know if she was happy with her decision and if she thought she was successful today. She thought I was trying to be a smart ass and took the question as disrespect. We then went on back and forth for about 30min until we determined that I met no disrespect to her and that if she is willing to put her personal stories out there than she has to be willing to take some criticism and questions.
Wednesday 2/13/08
Today my girlfriend came home from Purdue. Her birthday is on the 14th and she decided to skip her classes and come home early. It was a nice surprise because I was having a shitty day. We hung out until about 2am.
Thursday 2/14/08
Today is my girlfriend’s birthday and also the Tech Olympics at work. I work at the Indiana Department of Education. Every once and awhile we will have an event day for the DOE staff to kinda help us relax and have fun at work. Today is the Tech Olympics. We had 3 wii’s hooked up and you could sign up for different events that were happening through out the day. I signed up for bowling and boxing. I won the gold medal in bowing and I ended up letting a lady take my place in boxing because she had not played in any events all day. Its was a really fun time. I don’t remember a work day that has gone by so fast. It was a much needed break from the normal daily routine.
Friday 2/15/08
Today we celebrated Ashley’s (my girlfriend) birthday. We waited an extra day because she turned 21 this year. I’m surprised I can even write this because I feel like crap today. Anyways, last night we went out to the bars. Ashley had about 8 shots and a few drinks as well. Man was she wasted. Keep in mind she only weighs about 125 pounds. My friend Jonathan then insisted that we go to this Salsa club. Its was a lot of fun. It was such a different experience. Ashley and I were probably the only white people in there and Jonathan was probably the only black person. I was cool to see a club that is modeled after a completely different culture that what I’m use to. We had a great time dancing (or should I say holding each other up) until 3 in the morning.
Saturday 2/16/08
Today has been a recuperation day. So far I have just been sitting back and playing some Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 with Jonathan. I have been very relaxing. Days like this definitely move me because I don’t get them very often anymore. Everyone including me just seem to be so busy all the time. It’s nice to just sit back and say fuck work, school, bills, and anything else that can be stressful and just chill out for a day.
Sunday 2/17/08
Well Ashley headed back up to school today. I need to take care of some homework that I have been pushing off for some time. I think I might take my work out in the backyard today because its so nice outside today. I thinks its in the 60’s! Its crazy what a breath of cool fresh air will do to you after you have been cooped up in the house for a while.
Monday 2/18/08
Wow, yesterday it was so nice outside. I ended up tossing the football around w/ a friend and worked on my car a little as well. But today…its snowing. I cant believe it. Indiana gives us a taste of spring and then rips it away from us! … what a bitch!
Monday, February 4, 2008
What if...
what if... the moon left the Earth?
well there is alot to say about that. i know that the moons gravitional pull is responsilbe for waves in the ocean and it also has an effect on how the Eatch spins. so if it were gone things would probably be messed up bad. also, it would be dark as hell at night! we would probably be able to see so many stars and stuff that we have never seen before. over a long enought time we would probably start to evolve and adapt to having better night vision. but realisitlicy the moon probably has some other big impacts on the Earth that i dont know about and if it were gone we would all instantly begin to die a long and painful death! :(
well there is alot to say about that. i know that the moons gravitional pull is responsilbe for waves in the ocean and it also has an effect on how the Eatch spins. so if it were gone things would probably be messed up bad. also, it would be dark as hell at night! we would probably be able to see so many stars and stuff that we have never seen before. over a long enought time we would probably start to evolve and adapt to having better night vision. but realisitlicy the moon probably has some other big impacts on the Earth that i dont know about and if it were gone we would all instantly begin to die a long and painful death! :(
Monday, January 28, 2008
What if...?
What if…?
1) What if… people always walked on their hands?
2) What if… we were not the smartest creatures on Earth?
3) What if… a zombie outbreak really did happen?
4) What if… we are in the Matrix!?
5) What if… you had to choose between using the phone or a TV for the rest of your life?
6) What if… aliens really shot John F Kennedy?
7) What if… our stuffed animals came alive at night?
8) What if… pictures really did capture our souls?
9) What if… in the future, cars are obsolete?
10) What if… our hair grew as fast as grass?
11) What if… light bulbs caused skin cancer?
12) What if… global warming becomes global colding and the Earth freezes?
13) What if… there were wild people that attacked domesticated dogs?
14) What if …superheroes were real?
15) What if… everyone picked the cereal pieces out of Lucky Charms and left the marshmallows?
16) What if… babies were born with retail tags on them?
17) What if… Pretzels had sugar on them instead of salt?
18) What if… the world imploded?
19) What if… laptops had teeth?
20) What if… dust mites could grow as big as bunnies?
21) What if… Jesus returned tomorrow?
22) What if… we sneezed fire?
23) What if… you had to be talking to stay awake?
24) What if… windows were 100% transparent?
25) What if… you won a trillion dollars?
26) What if… opposites didn’t attract?
27) What if… you knew you only had one week to live?
28) What if… Pokemon battled the X-Men and the Pokemons won only to then be defeated by the Smurfs!?
29) What if… our blood was neon green like the Predators?
30) What if… 9/11 never happened?
31) What if… it rained nacho cheese?
32) What if… time only passed when you were having fun?
33) What if… you dropped a Mentos factory on top of a Diet Coke factory?
34) What if… you were elected president and your assistant wanted to blow you?
35) What if… Arnold becomes president but he really is still the Terminator and then the machines take over our country and then the world?
36) What if… you fall in love with the person you hate most?
37) What if… for one day each year all girls were guys and all guys were girls?
38) What if… you had webbed fingers and toes?
39) What if… you were taken hostage in a bank robbery and the robbers had already killed 2 people?
40) What if… snow was hot?
41) What if… fat was hard and muscle was soft?
42) What if… you were a cop for a week?
43) What if… your knees bent the other way?
44) What if… you could only use one of your senses at a time?
45) What if… your tongue was black?
46) What if… humans had tails?
47) What if… your tears tasted like Dr. Pepper?
48) What if… money was made of chocolate?
49) What if… you were born an elderly person and got younger as time went on?
50) What if… stupidity was contagious?... or is it already!
1) What if… people always walked on their hands?
2) What if… we were not the smartest creatures on Earth?
3) What if… a zombie outbreak really did happen?
4) What if… we are in the Matrix!?
5) What if… you had to choose between using the phone or a TV for the rest of your life?
6) What if… aliens really shot John F Kennedy?
7) What if… our stuffed animals came alive at night?
8) What if… pictures really did capture our souls?
9) What if… in the future, cars are obsolete?
10) What if… our hair grew as fast as grass?
11) What if… light bulbs caused skin cancer?
12) What if… global warming becomes global colding and the Earth freezes?
13) What if… there were wild people that attacked domesticated dogs?
14) What if …superheroes were real?
15) What if… everyone picked the cereal pieces out of Lucky Charms and left the marshmallows?
16) What if… babies were born with retail tags on them?
17) What if… Pretzels had sugar on them instead of salt?
18) What if… the world imploded?
19) What if… laptops had teeth?
20) What if… dust mites could grow as big as bunnies?
21) What if… Jesus returned tomorrow?
22) What if… we sneezed fire?
23) What if… you had to be talking to stay awake?
24) What if… windows were 100% transparent?
25) What if… you won a trillion dollars?
26) What if… opposites didn’t attract?
27) What if… you knew you only had one week to live?
28) What if… Pokemon battled the X-Men and the Pokemons won only to then be defeated by the Smurfs!?
29) What if… our blood was neon green like the Predators?
30) What if… 9/11 never happened?
31) What if… it rained nacho cheese?
32) What if… time only passed when you were having fun?
33) What if… you dropped a Mentos factory on top of a Diet Coke factory?
34) What if… you were elected president and your assistant wanted to blow you?
35) What if… Arnold becomes president but he really is still the Terminator and then the machines take over our country and then the world?
36) What if… you fall in love with the person you hate most?
37) What if… for one day each year all girls were guys and all guys were girls?
38) What if… you had webbed fingers and toes?
39) What if… you were taken hostage in a bank robbery and the robbers had already killed 2 people?
40) What if… snow was hot?
41) What if… fat was hard and muscle was soft?
42) What if… you were a cop for a week?
43) What if… your knees bent the other way?
44) What if… you could only use one of your senses at a time?
45) What if… your tongue was black?
46) What if… humans had tails?
47) What if… your tears tasted like Dr. Pepper?
48) What if… money was made of chocolate?
49) What if… you were born an elderly person and got younger as time went on?
50) What if… stupidity was contagious?... or is it already!
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